The XS platform is not just for photo stock agencies, it is also the platform of choice for organisations in need of a professional solution to manage their digital photo- or video archive.
Infradox Library Management Solutions (ILMS) is for organisations that don’t have the time, expertise or staff to operate and/or monetize their archive. We offer complete outsourced solutions, everything included. From file ingestion, to categorisation and keywording, to file delivery to end users. No matter who or where your end users are. With ILMS we can deliver a completely customised branded web solution that we will then also operate for you. ILMS of course includes redundant storage of your files in a secure data center with 24/7 availability and security on-site.
ILMS can be used as an Intranet solution (i.e. only accessible for selected users within your organisation), or as a public solution with permissions that can be configured per user account. And ILMS is available for both commercial and non-commercial use.
ILMS is suitable for any industry and use – marcom, web shops, museums, companies, government organisations, professional photographers, product photography archives et cetera. We offer solutions for seamless integration of your files with online shops and other on-/offline solutions as well.
Contact us for further information, possibilities and pricing.