>, Customisation, Tutorials>Displaying rights, releases and restrictions

Displaying rights, releases and restrictions

You can configure which information regarding rights, releases and other information you want to display, and where you want it to appear. And how restrictions are handled. I.e. you can configure restrictions to disable file downloads while still allowing affected files to be ordered – or to disallow such files from being added to orders.

Recommended reading: Displaying file sizes and prices, The metadata repository, Configuring how photographer names are displayed, File restrictions and reservations, Website constants.

To change the default settings, go to Site configuration, Metadata display, and open the Rights and Restrictions section at the top. The dropdown boxes let you choose what to display, when and where. And the additional settings allow you to control how restrictions are handled.


If you only have RM files or only RF files, then you can change the Rights info setting to Never so that it will not display anywhere on the client facing pages. If you include On thumbnails, then RM/RF is displayed as an icon and if you hover over that icon, a hint will display (e.g. Royalty Free). On other pages, the text is displayed in addition to an icon. If you want to change the text, the edit the constants.txt file (Site configuration > Constants) and change the constants:

Release info

You can display the following “Release” information on various pages:

  • Model release (on file)
  • No model release
  • Model release not applicable


  • Property release (on file)
  • No property release
  • Property release not applicable

In 31.2 you can choose to:

  • A) Never display release info
  • B) Always display info
  • C) Only display if a release is on file
  • D) only display if a release is not on file (option D is added in 31.2).

You can change the text in the constants.txt file:

The label itself can be changed too, its constant is called cRelease.

To control when, where, which information is displayed is controlled with CSS. You can manipulate this by adding your own CSS in the Code editor.

Note that the availability of a Model release and/or Property release doesn’t block files from being downloaded (see below for further information regarding blocking restrictions).

Restriction info

If there are any active restrictions for a file, then this will be displayed on all relevant pages by default. You can the settings as required and you can change the following constants in constants.txt:

cRights_ED (Editorial only)
cRights_FED (Editorial)
cRights_CR (Commercial only)
cRights_FCR (Creative)

If you select “Both” for the property “Use” in the file properties dialog, this indicates that the file is available for both Commercial and Editorial use, i.e. it is not restricted. Editorial/Commercial restrictions don’t block files from being downloaded (see below for further information regarding blocking restrictions).

There are also the following constants in constants-orders.txt:

cDownloadNoImmediate (immediate download blocked)
cDownloadBlocked (download blocked)
cNonblockRestr (Some restrictions apply but the file is available for download)
cAgentsblocked (Not available to agents)


Note that most restrictions will only display if relevant to the user. E.g. the restriction “Not available to agents” only shows if the user is an agent, “Immediate download blocked” only shows if the user has immediate download permissions, and so on. A restriction that is created for all files of a supplier or group can be shown as well (edit such restrictions via Supplier management).

Restrictions that are important (e.g. blocking restrictions) are inside a span with the class name restrictionimportant. To control when, where, which information is displayed is controlled with CSS. You can manipulate this by adding your own CSS in the Code editor.

Restriction text for supplier and/or groups

You can enter a restriction text that is to show for all files of a supplier and/or supplier group. E.g. “All files must be cleared before use”. You can edit such restrictions via Supplier management. Note that these restrictions will not block ordering or downloading.

Restrictions that block ordering and/or downloading

The setting “Allow add to order if download is blocked” lets you configure how to handle blocking restrictions. I.e. if file download is blocked as a result of a restriction, then this setting determines whether or not the file can still be ordered. If that’s allowed then the user can create orders with such files but download permissions must be granted by a staff member – even if the user has immediate download permissions.

Note that if a user’s account is configured to require online payment, then this is disabled on orders containing files that have a download block as a result of a restriction. Unless of course you have disabled “Allow add to order if download is blocked”, in which case the user can’t order the file at all.

The restriction “Immediate download blocked” only affects users that have immediate download permissions. I.e. they can order such files but must wait for the order to be cleared by a staff member. This setting also disables online payment on orders containing such files.

If a user is an Agent and a file is blocked for Agents, then the file can’t be ordered regardless of how you have configured the above described settings.

Also read below about “Territorial restrictions” and how such restrictions are handled.

Territory info

If a file is not available in the user’s country, then this will display as an icon on the thumbnail pages and as text on other pages. If you don’t use territorial restrictions then you should set this option to Never. You can configure territorial restrictions for your suppliers (i.e. to buyers in which countries are their files available) via Supplier management. You can change the following constants in constants.txt:

cTerrNotinyourcountry=Not available in your country
cTerrAvailable=Only in
cTerrUnavailable=Not in
cTerrWorldwide=World wide

And the constant cTerritoryRestr can be changed in the file constants-orders.txt

On e.g. a preview page, a territorial restriction may look something like Availability: Not in Germany, Belgium, France or e.g. Not for clients in Germany, Belgium, France.

Territory blocking

To completely disable territory restrictions (which makes certain website processes slightly faster) select the option “Never” in the “Territory info” dropdown.
To enable territory restrictions, select any of the other options in this drop down, and the configure how territorial restrictions are handled by selecting an option in the “Territory blocking” drop down box:

  • A) Allow normal functions. Restriction information is displayed but the files can be ordered and downloaded (depending on the user’s permissions).
  • B) Disable add to cart. This is most restrictive as users can’t order files unavailable in their country at all.
  • C) Allow add to cart but block the order detail. The user can order the files but download permissions must be granted by a staff member – even if the user has immediate download permissions.

Note that the above setting affects not only territory restrictions as configured for a supplier, but also any time-based restrictions and/or reservations that you can create for files – as these also let you specify countries and specifying no countries means that the restriction/reservation applies everywhere.

Customisation of how info is retrieved and displayed with script

In 31.2 or later, display of restrictions and information is controlled with CSS only, not with script. The information below applies to older versions of XS:

If the standard way of displaying information does not suit your needs, then you can load and change the script file in the code editor. If you want to do this, then first read Using Javascript in your pages.

Go to the Code editor, and select Rights & Restrictions script (41) in the dropdown at the top of the page. Now click Load example and select the latest version of ccustom-object in the list. It will then load into the editor. If you save this script (with the enabled option selected), then this will override the default Infradox script. The Javascript object ccustom is called on all pages where information about restrictions, releases et cetera is needed. The script takes back office settings with regards to this (see above) into account and it also uses the constants as described in the previous paragraphs. It is recommended to use constants (for localisation and so that you can make textual changes in a single place only), but you can also use literals in your script.

The example code has comments explaining the functions and you can make changes as required. If you find it doesn’t work as expected, then simply untick the enabled box at the top and save the file again. If you need help, then create a support ticket on http://xpertise.zendesk.com.