The Infradox platform
Powerful staff member and client facing functions
Solid central code base and open archictecture
Fully customisable, built-in CMS and code editor
Ongoing development and free-of-charge updates
Advanced workflow automation
Scalable and capable of handling millions of files
The Infradox platform is a standardised, yet completely customisable online solution. Its flexibility has made our platform the choice of a diverse base of industry professionals. Simple enough to get you up and running quickly, powerful enough to scale as your business grows.
Infradox offers many tools and functions for both end-users and staff members. Including licencing, rights-, and restrictions management, finance and contributor payments if required. We dare say that Infradox is the most flexible system on the market, and as such just as well suited for commercial as non-commercial clients. Our first clients started using our services 20 years ago – our experience, industry knowledge and close contact with our clients have resulted in the most competing platform that is available online.
Our platform supports the most demanding workflows. It takes file ingestion procedures to the next level with completely automated procedures for daily streams of incoming files from different sources, both structured and unstructured. Infradox automates metadata standardisation, enriching, grouping files, linking files to contributors and much more. And automated distribution of files to your partners, as well as automated ingestion of files from your content partners. Infradox furthermore supports data syndication and live connections with 3rd parties regardless the platform they’re on.
Software as a Service
Infradox is SaaS – Software as a Service. Besides the lower costs, one of the biggest advantages is that your solution is always up to date and managed by professionals who are involved in the development and maintenance of the Infradox platform.
Managed hosting
One stop managed solutions
Single point of contact
Professional data center at Interxion
Daily website and database backups
Redundant master file storage and management
Pro-active monitoring
Infradox is a one-stop managed hosting solution – offering you one point of contact for almost everything related to your website. For a competitive monthly fee. The platform runs on dedicated specialised hardware in our data centre. Contingency hot spare hardware is of course in place.
Your web solution is mission critical, which is why we have partnered with Interxion who operate over 40 state of the art facilities across Europe. Interxion have a solid track record of high availability and they are the go-to partner for 24/7 on-site security, excellent fibre optic connections, redundant power, and everything else required to guarantee the best possible up-time. Availability and reliability are key, so that you can offer your clients the best possible experience.
To be able to guarantee the best possible services and independent operation, we host and store all your data and files on privately owned specialised hardware. We do not rely on rented cloud storage.
Our managed solutions mean care free hosting. Every technical aspect is taken care of. Including all hardware to meet the most demanding needs, optimal bandwidth, back ups, support, updates, pro-active monitoring, redundant master file storage, and hot spare hardware on site. We’ve got you covered!
Infradox Library Management Solutions
Does your organisation have a photo or video archive, but not the time, staff or expertise to operate or perhaps monetize your assets? We also offer complete library management solutions with ILMS. Including adding new files, keywording, management of accounts, permissions, rights and delivery of your assets to your end-users. Find out more…
Dedicated to your success
Dedicated team of specialists
Best practices from your industry
Support by the people who built your system
Extra hands for tasks when needed
Contribute to further improvements
Your success is our priority
Without the support of a dedicated and specialised team, you’re only halfway there. We have developed our business by helping our clients build theirs. From day one, we have been concentrating our efforts on maintaining the highest level of services, and adapting to our client’s needs.
Managing software platforms is about more than creating technology. We help build creative business models for an industry that we know and understand. We listen to our clients and we learn from the needs of their end-users. We continuously introduce better, smarter, faster ways to help them do their job more efficiently and to create strong user engagement.
We believe that specialisation is the only option if we want to offer the best possible support and advise – which is what we’ve been doing for more than 20 years.