Infradox XS websites have support for gallery data feeds. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and JSON formats are supported.
You can make data feeds available to 3rd parties, but the feeds can also be used on e.g. your blog. Or on your XS website by use of the Infradox XS widgets.
RSS feeds[locale id]/[subdomain id]/[rootlevel id]/[group id]/[max items]/[thumbnail]/galleries.rss
- [locale id]
The id of the language for your feed. Use 1 for English. - [subdomain id]
The id of the subdomain. Use 0 for “no subdomain”. Note that if you have configured a root level to display only if a specific subdomain is active, its galleries will be excluded from the feed if the [subdomain id] is 0. For further information read the article about Gallery access control. - [rootlevel id]
Use the id of a rootlevel that you have created with Gallery manager, to retrieve galleries from this root level – regardless of the groups within the galleries are created. - [group id]
Use the id of a group to retrieve galleries for a specific group only. In this case you must specify 0 for the [rootlevel id].
To retrieve the latest galleries regardless of the root level or group, use both 0 for the [rootlevel id] and the [group id]. - [max items]
A number between 1 and 100 for the number of items you want to retrieve. - [thumbnail]
1 to add a thumbnail to the description, 0 for the description without a thumbnail.
A feed in English with the 10 latest galleries created under root level 900, without a thumbnail as part of the description. -
A feed in English with the 10 latest galleries created in group 3310, including a thumbnail as part of the description. -
A feed in English with the 50 most recent galleries, regardless of the root level or group and no thumbnail as part of the description.
A simple URL for your 10 latest galleries
To keep it simple, you can also use the following RSS feed url to retrieve the 10 latest galleries in English – regardless of the root level or group:
JSON feeds[locale id]/[subdomain id]/[rootlevel id]/[group id]/[max items]/[page]/galleries.json
- [locale id]
The id of the language for your feed. Use 1 for English. - [subdomain id]
The id of the subdomain. Use 0 for “no subdomain”. Note that if you have configured a root level to display only if a specific subdomain is active, its galleries will be excluded from the feed if the [subdomain id] is 0. For further information read the article about Gallery access control. - [rootlevel id]
Use the id of a rootlevel that you have created with Gallery manager, to retrieve galleries from this root level – regardless of the groups within the galleries are created. - [group id]
Use the id of a group to retrieve galleries for a specific group only. In this case you must specify 0 for the [rootlevel id].
To retrieve the latest galleries regardless of the root level or group, use both 0 for the [rootlevel id] and the [group id]. - [max items]
The maximum number of galleries to be retrieved. Note that a call will return a maximum of 100 galleries. To fetch the next 100 galleries you need to change the [page] parameter accordingly. Note that you must use a [max items] value that is high enough if you want to retrieve many pages. If you don’t need more than 100 galleries then also set [max items] to 100. - [page]
1 to fetch the first 100 galleries, 2 to fetch the next 100 galleries and so on.
Fetches the first 100 galleries in English from root level 900. -
Fetches galleries 101 to 200 in English regardless of the root level or group.
Data feeds are accessed as “Guest”
If you use gallery access control, certain galleries may be excluded from the feeds. Feed users are treated as “guests”. I.e. if you have configured a root level to be hidden for guests, its galleries will not be part of any gallery RSS feed.