Using custom CSS
The standard CSS is customised with built-in tools such as the Color scheme editor and a number of other functions. If you are looking to work on more advanced changes,
The standard CSS is customised with built-in tools such as the Color scheme editor and a number of other functions. If you are looking to work on more advanced changes,
You can add your own Javascript code, which will be executed after the default XS script has executed upon page load.
This article describes how you can create a search dialog. This requires you to add script, CSS and the HTML for the dialog.
This article describes how you can create a custom version of the gallery root page.
Infradox XS websites are template driven. The templates use constants to output text depending on the active locale (user interface language). But the use of constants also lets you edit
This article describes how you can build custom thumbnail templates for search results, galleries, lightboxes and so on. There are five different viewing styles that you can configure via Site