Payment runs / Sales reports
This article describes how to create payment runs or royalties reports.
This article describes how to create payment runs or royalties reports.
The Nationale Beeldbank – with 1 million Dutch photos from almost 10,000 photographers – is now online on the Infradox XS platform.
Infradox XS websites can be configured to support contributor registration.
Infradox XS uses a Javascript library. The library’s functions are configured with Back office settings. Many functions look for HTML elements by id’s and class names. Several functions have methods
Using the secure HTTPS protocol/SSL is straightforward as most settings and url’s are automatically adjusted based on the host header. But there are some things that you need to check.
You can configure which information regarding rights, releases and other information you want to display, and where you want it to appear. And how restrictions are handled. I.e. you can
By default, the search page displays a message if a user’s search didn’t return any results. You can change this by enabling the associated code fragment in the editor.
Useful information for XS admins/staff members
With the Infradox XS Contest module you can create a website for one or more photo contests. This article describes the configuration steps and options.
The Gallerylist function lets you to retrieve galleries for your custom pages. Infradox XS creates a variety of files in different sizes that you can use.